negotiationsClients tell me they appreciate these features of my leasing practice:

  • Expertise. I have been handling property matters for 30+ years. From this experience, I know leasing’s business jargon, and I know its legal requirements and pitfalls.
  • Relationships. I understand that your company’s lease (or leases) is a responsibility that’s shared by your operations people, property managers, finance people, real estate broker and contractors. As your lawyer, I will complement your team’s efforts and make sure the team’s decisions are written into your lease(s).
  • Flexibility. As a sole practitioner, I am easy to reach and quick to adapt to changing circumstances. You can decide which of my offered services you wish to use and how fast you want to set the pace. I will provide you reliable outcome predictions and legal expense forecasts.

Contact Bill Meck


(251) 990-4744


By Appointment:

Meck Law Firm, PC

6 DeSha Court

Fairhope, AL 36532-2844



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